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Black Tourmaline Merkaba Crystal carving | Stone of Protection

Black Tourmaline Merkaba Crystal carving | Stone of Protection

Regular price Rs. 327.00INR
Regular price Rs. 327.00INR Sale price Rs. 327.00INR
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Importantly, these stones are natural and thus slight variations, such as imperfections and scratches, are typical. Each stone is distinct and may differ from the next.

  • Item - Natural Crystal
  • Crystal type - Carving
  • Quantity - Listing is for 1 quantity

Black Tourmaline is renowned for its ability to remove negative energy from individuals and environments. This powerful crystal helps to convert lower, dense vibrations into lighter, purified energy. It is also known to be a beneficial stone for grounding and serves to bring balance and harmony to all chakras.

Black Tourmaline is like a protective shield against bad vibes. It keeps you grounded and helps you stay calm by absorbing stress. It acts as a superhero against electronic smog from devices and attracts good energy. This crystal also boosts your confidence and supports your overall well-being. Placing it near your bed can make your sleep better. In the crystal world, Black Tourmaline is your protective and grounding friend.


Candles,Herbs,Crystals and essential oils are solely energy work and should not be completely substituted with conventional medicines and medical methods and it is advised to consult doctor if you have serious health issues

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