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Dried Basil - 30 Gm

Dried Basil - 30 Gm

Regular price Rs. 237.00INR
Regular price Rs. 237.00INR Sale price Rs. 237.00INR
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In quantities above average food quantities:

P N X for infant and toddlers.

Folk Names: Albahaca, American Dittany, "Our Herb," St. Joseph's Wort, Sweet Basil, Witches Herb, Njilika, Balanoi, Feslien

Gender: Masculine Planet: Mars Element: Fire

Deities: Vishnu, Erzulie

Powers: Love, Exorcism, Wealth, Flying, Protection

Magical Uses: The scent of fresh basil causes sympathy between two people, and this is why it is used to sooth tempers between lovers. It is added to love incenses and sachets, and the fresh leaves are rubbed against the skin as a kind of natural love perfume. In Eastern Europe it was once thought that a young man would love any woman from whose hand he accepted a sprig of basil.

Basil is also used in love divinations. Place two fresh basil leaves upon a live coal. If they lie where you put them and burn quickly to ashes, the marriage (or relationship)  will  be  harmonious. If there  is a certain amount of crackling the life of the pair will be disturbed by

quarrels. If the leaves fly apart with fierce crackling the projected rela• tionship is undesirable.

Do you want to know if someone is chaste or promiscuous? Simply lay a sprig of fresh basil on  their  hand.  It will  immediately wither if that person is "light of love."

Basil brings wealth to those who carry it in  their pockets, and  is used to attract customers to a place of business by placing some in the cash register or on the doorsill.

The basil is also used to ensure that one's mate remains true.

Sprinkle basil powder over your body thoroughly while he or she  is asleep, especially over the heart, and fidelity will bless your relationship.

Basil is strewn onto floors, because where it is,  no  evil  can  live. It is also used in exorcism incenses and in purification baths. Small amounts are sometimes placed in each room of the house to bring protection.

Basil is also used to keep goats away from your property, to attract scorpions, and to prevent inebriation.

Witches were said to drink about 'A cup of basil juice before flying off into the air.

Basil can also be used to diet, but only by  a  second  party's  help, and without the dieter's knowledge. According to an ancient spell, a woman (or a man, presumably) will not be able to eat a bite from any dish if basil has been secretly placed beneath it.

Basil given as a gift brings good luck to a new home.

Source - Cunninghams Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs


These Herbs are sold under or for entertainment and curious metaphysical properties of theirs, We do not claim any safe consumption of it, The Magickal, metaphysical and spiritual properties are derived from their respective traditional way of use in mythology as alternative spiritual practices. All Herbs are solely sold for their metaphysical and spiritual properties as a matter of interest in same

* Strictly do not consume

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